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Memory Gaps and Memory Errors


Memory Gaps and Memory Errors


Neuschatz, Jeffrey S.
Wetmore, Stacy A.
Gronlund, Scott D.

Research Area

Cognition and Emotions




Memory is a reconstructive process, relying on pre‐existing shared knowledge to help us comprehend and interpret what we experience. A reliance on prior knowledge is a vital aid to communication and comprehension, but, as a consequence, results in the modification of some details in an event, the addition of other details, or even the fabrication of entire new events. We review classic research that first demonstrated the phenomenon of reconstructive memory and the capability of prior knowledge to influence what people remember. We next discuss cutting‐edge research involving memory gaps and memory errors, including autobiographical memories, distinguishing true from false memories, memory conformity, and potential adaptive reasons for memory errors. Finally, we point to directions for the future research.